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Resilient Youth

Understanding who they are, loving who they are and having a sense of belonging to their communities are important factors in the positive growth of our youth.

Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker

Launched in 2018, the Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker program is geared to youth experiencing challenges related to mental health, addictions, trauma, relationship violence, or human/sex trafficking. We provide participants with techniques to help them cope with the issues they are facing and connect them to additional services to help strengthen their self-esteem.

  • A clinical intervention program for youth 12 to 21 

  • Connects youth with services within the Region to help them develop coping skills

  • Over 30 youth served in the first year

  • Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services through the Ontario Black Youth Action Plan

Contact Norvett at 905-455-6789  ext. 108 or email

Black Leaders of Tomorrow Program

The Black Leaders of Tomorrow program is our youth business mentoring program. We match mentors with youth who identify as Black and who want to develop their business and professional leadership skills. Launched in 2018, the Black Leaders of Tomorrow program helps youth hone their communication, leadership and financial management skills. It offers Black youth the opportunity to learn and grow year-round with the support of seasoned entrepreneurs and business professionals..

  • Geared toward youth ages 16 to 24

  • Matches youth with a business mentor for one year in which youth develop their business acumen and apply their knowledge to a business case study

  • Youth who complete the program successfully are eligible to win an honorarium or start-up grant for their business

  • 20 youth participants and 12 matches in the first year

Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services through the Ontario Black Youth Action Plan.

Learn more about the BLT program and how to become a mentee or mentor...

Contact Tasha at  905-455-6789 ext. 118, or by email at, or Nikko at 905-455-6789 ext. 113, or

Black Youth School Success Initiative

We have partnered with other agencies serving the black community, the United Way Greater Toronto, and Peel District School Board in the Region of Peel to implement the Black Youth School Success Initiative.

  • A collaboration of agencies who provide wrap-around services to help black youth graduate or be on track for graduation

  • We provide tutoring and life skills workshops to partnering schools

  • Funded through a grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation

Student and Family Advocates

Student and Family Advocates support Black students and their families as they navigate the education system. Launched at Roots Community Services in May 2021, this initiative addresses disparities in educational outcomes due to systemic and structural barriers. Working from anti-Black racism, anti-oppression and cultural-safety lenses, the program promotes responsive education systems, positive student outcomes and increased student belonging.

  • Deliver services in the Region of Peel for students ages 6-18 and the in Region of Halton for students ages 6-23
  • Create a safe space for Black students and their families' voices to be heard
  • Provide culturally-responsive support to help Black students and their families develop solutions to meet their needs
  • Develop and offer wrap-around services to students identified to be at risk of not completing high school, and those involved with child welfare and the justice system
  • Provide leadership, advice and support to schools on anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination

Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services

Contact Rabab (Halton Region) at 905-455-6789 ext. 133 or email

Contact Rasheedat (Peel Region) at 905-455-6789 ext. 142 or email

“The Black Leaders of Tomorrow program has been a fantastic experience for me. I was matched up with a phenomenal mentor who is in the same space that I aim to be in. She’s helped me so much with branding, networking and building my business. This program has also connected me with other young black entrepreneurs in the city, which is amazing. We’ve also been able to go to workshops and events that can only be accessed through the mentorship program. I look forward to graduating and becoming a mentor myself. Thank you.”
“I'm grateful I joined the Black Leaders of Tomorrow program. It helped me consider a career that I have a passion for, and has opened many doors and opportunities. This helped me a lot. I thank Roots Community Services for offering this program – I can guarantee it will help many black youths achieve their ideal career.”

Make a difference!

We cannot do it alone and so rely on you – our funders, donors, volunteers – to help us build a strong community that holds a brighter future for our children and youth, a peaceful place for our seniors, and a safe and clean environment for everyone. There are a few ways you can help to make a difference. Which one will you choose?

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