Our Community Wellness Fair
Roots Community Services and partners invite you to Our Community Wellness Fair for Black, African and Caribbean Communities on
June 25, 2022
Sheridan College Hazel McCallion Campus
B-Wing, Creative Commons
4180 Duke of York Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5B 0G5
Register here to receive updates about this event.
Book your appointment for routine school immunization here.
Why a BAC Community Wellness Fair?
This initiative spearheaded is brought to you by several partners including, Roots Community Services, LAMP - East, Wellfort CHC, Ontario Health, Black Health Alliance, Black Physicians Association of Ontario, and the Region of Peel.
This group first came together to support the BAC (Black, African, and Caribbean) communities in the Region of Peel who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19. We understood the challenges and hesitation of our communities and aimed to create a safe, supportive space to receive the vaccination. Our work has evolved to meet the broader health needs of BAC community members.
Our team of partners noted that BAC communities were less likely than other community members to be attached to primary care and sought to make a positive difference. We were also sensitive to the reality that BAC communities are also more likely to experience racism and barriers while seeking medical care. The pandemic has also made access to preventative health care even more difficult. In response, agencies are hosting ‘Our Community Wellness Fair’, an event that creates a safe, supportive space to receive education, resources and have your questions answered by health and wellness providers. Come join us!
Free health checks, school immunizations, resources and more
Check out information and services and available on:
- Staying heart healthy
- Managing diabetes
- Fitness demos
- Nutrition
- Natural remedies
- Joint and muscle health
- Mental health and wellness
- Housing and income support
- Dental care
- Cancer prevention
- Sickle cell anemia
- Genetic counseling (family tree, education, connection to counselling services)
- Health support for the entire family
- Connection to primary care via Health Care Connect
- COVID-19 and routine school immunizations
Get updates on COVID-19 recovery, receive your booster shots and routine school immunizations.
Routine School Immunizations
Our Communities Wellness Fair will provide students from grades 9 to 12 with a convenient and comfortable space to receive their free routine school immunization which was paused during the pandemic.
The vaccines which will be offered are:
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV),
- Hepatitis B (Hep B)
- Meningococcal ACYW-135
Meningococcal vaccine is a single dose vaccine. HPV and Hep B are a two- or three-dose vaccine series, depending on age at time of vaccination. These vaccines help to protect students against serious diseases, including some cancers later in life.
A limited number of walk-ins will be accepted but we recommend that you book an appointment here.
While there is priority for grade 12 students since they will be aging out of the funded program upon graduation, we nevertheless encourage students from grades 9-11 to come and receive their routine immunizations. Children 14 years or older can give consent themselves provided they understand the treatment, why it is being recommended, and the risks and benefits of accepting or refusing to be vaccinated. Students or parents and legal guardians can check if their child has already received their routine school immunizations through the Immunize Connect Ontario (ICON) website or by asking their primary care provider.
To find out more about the routine school immunizations or to get information on other select clinic locations, please visit the Peel Region website.
Health providers, educators and exhibitors who reflect our community
What’s unique about Our Wellness Fair is that health providers, educators and exhibitors represent the community. As we’ve learned through hosting over 40 BAC community COVID-19 vaccine clinics, creating a space where vaccinators, volunteers, and physicians reflect the community is very important. Building on this learning, organizers of Our Wellness Fair strive to have exhibitors who identify as a member of the BAC community.
Health providers, educators and exhibitors who don’t identify as members of the Black, African and Caribbean communities but can offer culturally sensitive and appropriate support through having a sound understanding of issues experienced by BAC communities, and have also demonstrated a commitment to serving racialized communities are welcomed to participate in this event.
Make a difference!
We cannot do it alone and so rely on you – our funders, donors, volunteers – to help us build a strong community that holds a brighter future for our children and youth, a peaceful place for our seniors, and a safe and clean environment for everyone. There are a few ways you can help to make a difference. Which one will you choose?
Get Involved